Gloria is 2 years old. She lives with her parents, in Uganda, in extreme poverty. Gloria was born with Downs Syndrome. Uganda does not have any statistics on the number of persons with DS. However it’s estimated that out of 700 -1000 children born, 1 has DS. With the Uganda population of about 36 million, this translates to about 36,000 persons with DS in Uganda.
Gloria is a bright, beautiful child but has a serious heart defect, a large ventricular septal defect, commonly known as a hole in the heart. The hole occurs in the wall that separates the heart's lower chambers and allows blood to pass from the left to the right side of the heart. This causes Gloria to be breathless and lethargic and will continue to delay her development. It puts her at risk of chest infections, heart failure and, ultimately, death. Cardiac surgery to close the hole in her heart can be performed in Uganda, but at a cost of £4,000. Gloria's parents live on less than £1 a day - therefore, surgery is impossible for them to afford.
A Just Giving appeal was set up on 21st March - World Down's Syndrome. Donate here. Please help us transform and save this lovely little girl’s life.